Distance from Aktash to Nearby Cities

The distance from Aktash to the nearest city Yangirabod is 14.5 kilometers or 9 miles away. The nearest town Ishtihan is 54.8 kilometers or 34.1 miles away. 2 major cities are near Aktash; Samarkand being the closest is 117.3 kilometers or 72.9 miles away.

Aktash is also 189.7 kilometers or 117.8 miles from Panjakent in Tajikistan.

Aktash Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Aktash Distances
Nearby Location(s): 11
Nearest Location: 13.7 Km (8.5 Mi)

Aktash to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Aktash and nearby cities in Uzbekistan.

From Aktash Population Distance
NNE to Yangirabod25,02713.6 Km (8.5 Mi) 14.5 Km (9 Mi)
ENE to Payshanba24,77229.1 Km (18.1 Mi) 42.3 Km (26.3 Mi)
E to Kattakurgan59,38230.1 Km (18.7 Mi) 36.9 Km (22.9 Mi)
WNW to Navoi129,72551.2 Km (31.8 Mi) 58.9 Km (36.6 Mi)
ESE to Juma19,92067 Km (41.6 Mi) 76.1 Km (47.3 Mi)

Aktash to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Aktash and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Uzbekistan.

From Aktash Population Distance
E to Ishtihan13,02447.9 Km (29.8 Mi) 54.8 Km (34.1 Mi)
WNW to Kanimekh?76.3 Km (47.4 Mi) 81.2 Km (50.5 Mi)
W to Kiziltepa13,55894.8 Km (58.9 Mi) 104.4 Km (64.9 Mi)

Aktash to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Aktash to major cities in Samarkand Province.

From Aktash Population Distance
ESE to Samarkand319,36695.9 Km (59.6 Mi) 117.3 Km (72.9 Mi)
ESE to Urgut47,373126.7 Km (78.7 Mi) 148.6 Km (92.3 Mi)
Aktash to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Aktash to Tajikistan.

From Aktash Population Distance
ESE to Panjakent Tajikistan35,085151.9 Km (94.4 Mi) 189.7 Km (117.8 Mi)