Distance from Aizawl to Nearby Cities

The distance from Aizawl to the nearest city Serchhip is 102.8 kilometers or 63.9 miles away. The nearest town Sairang is 19.9 kilometers or 12.4 miles away. The nearest major city Siaha is 313.2 kilometers or 194.6 miles away.

Aizawl is also 612.7 kilometers or 380.7 miles from Khagrachhari in Bangladesh.

Aizawl Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Aizawl Distances
Nearby Location(s): 13
Nearest Location: 11.1 Km (6.9 Mi)

Aizawl to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Aizawl and nearby cities in India.

From Aizawl Population Distance
SSE to Serchhip20,24445 Km (27.9 Mi) 102.8 Km (63.9 Mi)
N to Kolasib25,00055.5 Km (34.5 Mi) 85.8 Km (53.3 Mi)
NW to Dharmanagar32,91292.3 Km (57.3 Mi) 207.3 Km (128.8 Mi)
S to Lunglei52,72895.8 Km (59.5 Mi) 170.2 Km (105.8 Mi)
NW to Kailashahar22,12097.9 Km (60.8 Mi) 220.8 Km (137.2 Mi)

Aizawl to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Aizawl and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in India.

From Aizawl Population Distance
NW to Sairang5,76011 Km (6.9 Mi) 19.9 Km (12.4 Mi)
NNW to Saitlaw11,04330.7 Km (19.1 Mi) 96.5 Km (60 Mi)
NW to Mamit6,10432.3 Km (20 Mi) 105.9 Km (65.8 Mi)
NNE to Darlawn3,96238.3 Km (23.8 Mi) 115.2 Km (71.6 Mi)
S to Thenzawl5,96350 Km (31.1 Mi) 91.7 Km (57 Mi)

Aizawl to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Aizawl to major cities in Mizoram.

From Aizawl Population Distance
SSE to Siaha22,654140.2 Km (87.1 Mi) 313.2 Km (194.6 Mi)
Aizawl to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Aizawl to major cities in bordering Bangladesh and Myanmar.

From Aizawl Population Distance
SW to Khagrachhari Bangladesh50,364101 Km (62.8 Mi) 612.7 Km (380.7 Mi)
SE to Hakha Myanmar20,000150.9 Km (93.8 Mi) 448.5 Km (278.7 Mi)