Distance from Agartala to Nearby Cities

The distance from Agartala center to the nearest city Barjala is 4.8 kilometers or 3 miles away. The nearest town Sonamura is 58.5 kilometers or 36.4 miles away. The nearest major city Dharmanagar is 170.9 kilometers or 106.2 miles away.

Agartala is also 68.8 kilometers or 42.7 miles from Nabinagar in Bangladesh.

Agartala Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Agartala Distances
Nearby Location(s): 11
Nearest Location: 3.9 Km (2.4 Mi)

Agartala to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Agartala and nearby cities in India.

From Agartala Population Distance
NNW to Barjala17,9983.8 Km (2.4 Mi) 4.8 Km (3 Mi)
SSE to Udaipur23,29038.7 Km (24 Mi) 52.7 Km (32.7 Mi)
NE to Khowai20,04641.7 Km (25.9 Mi) 73.1 Km (45.4 Mi)
SSE to Belonia16,73567.2 Km (41.8 Mi) 91.4 Km (56.8 Mi)
NE to Kailashahar22,12092 Km (57.2 Mi) 158.4 Km (98.4 Mi)

Agartala to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Agartala and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in India.

From Agartala Population Distance
S to Sonamura10,82139.7 Km (24.6 Mi) 58.5 Km (36.4 Mi)
SE to Amarpur11,90651 Km (31.7 Mi) 78.7 Km (48.9 Mi)
E to Ambassa6,37357.9 Km (36 Mi) 82.2 Km (51.1 Mi)
NE to Kamalpur5,50868.8 Km (42.7 Mi) 110.8 Km (68.9 Mi)

Agartala to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Agartala to major cities in Tripura.

From Agartala Population Distance
NE to Dharmanagar32,912107.1 Km (66.5 Mi) 170.9 Km (106.2 Mi)
Agartala to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Agartala to Bangladesh.

From Agartala Population Distance
W to Nabinagar Bangladesh31,67133.8 Km (21 Mi) 68.8 Km (42.7 Mi)