Distance from Afrin to Nearby Cities

The distance from Afrin to the nearest city A'zaz is 54.2 kilometers or 33.7 miles away. The nearest town Ma‘baţlī is 15.4 kilometers or 9.6 miles away. 3 major cities are near Afrin; Al Bab being the closest is 93.5 kilometers or 58.1 miles away.

Afrin is also 69.8 kilometers or 43.3 miles from Kilis in Turkey.

Afrin Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Afrin Distances
Nearby Location(s): 14
Nearest Location: 12.1 Km (7.5 Mi)

Afrin to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Afrin and nearby cities in Syria.

From Afrin Population Distance
ENE to A'zaz66,13818.3 Km (11.4 Mi) 54.2 Km (33.7 Mi)
SE to Nubl25,54618.9 Km (11.8 Mi) 29.7 Km (18.5 Mi)
ESE to Tall Rifat25,65821 Km (13 Mi) 46.6 Km (29 Mi)
SSW to Ad Dana21,98733.8 Km (21 Mi) 49.9 Km (31 Mi)
SE to Aleppo1,602,26441.9 Km (26 Mi) 56.1 Km (34.8 Mi)

Afrin to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Afrin and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Syria.

From Afrin Population Distance
WNW to Ma‘baţlī?12.1 Km (7.5 Mi) 15.4 Km (9.6 Mi)
W to Shaykh Al Hadid?23.8 Km (14.8 Mi) 35.1 Km (21.8 Mi)
NW to Rajo?25.2 Km (15.7 Mi) 28.1 Km (17.5 Mi)
N to Bulbul?29.1 Km (18.1 Mi) 40.8 Km (25.3 Mi)
SE to Hraytan?33.3 Km (20.7 Mi) 49.4 Km (30.7 Mi)

Afrin to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Afrin to major cities in Aleppo Governorate.

From Afrin Population Distance
ESE to Al Bab130,74560.3 Km (37.5 Mi) 93.5 Km (58.1 Mi)
SE to Al-Safirah95,83265.9 Km (40.9 Mi) 87.6 Km (54.4 Mi)
E to Manbij68,88898.6 Km (61.3 Mi) 151.5 Km (94.1 Mi)
Afrin to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Afrin to Turkey.

From Afrin Population Distance
NE to Kilis Turkey82,30131.8 Km (19.8 Mi) 69.8 Km (43.3 Mi)