Distance from 905 01 Senica to Nearby Cities

The distance from 905 01 Senica to the nearest city Skalica is 24.3 kilometers or 15.1 miles away. The nearest town Brezová pod Bradlom is 18.2 kilometers or 11.3 miles away. 3 major cities are near 905 01 Senica; Hlohovec being the closest is 59.4 kilometers or 36.9 miles away.

905 01 Senica is also 30.3 kilometers or 18.8 miles from Hodonín in Czech Republic.

905 01 Senica Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
905 01 Senica Distances
Nearby Location(s): 17
Nearest Location: 13.2 Km (8.2 Mi)

905 01 Senica to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between 905 01 Senica and nearby cities in Slovakia.

From 905 01 Senica Population Distance
NNW to Skalica15,01321.3 Km (13.3 Mi) 24.3 Km (15.1 Mi)
ESE to 921 01 Piešťany30,00035.1 Km (21.8 Mi) 46.5 Km (28.9 Mi)
ENE to Nové Mesto nad Váhom21,52735.5 Km (22.1 Mi) 48.1 Km (29.9 Mi)
SSE to Trnava69,78536.8 Km (22.9 Mi) 41 Km (25.4 Mi)
SW to Malacky17,77336.9 Km (22.9 Mi) 46.8 Km (29.1 Mi)

905 01 Senica to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between 905 01 Senica and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Slovakia.

From 905 01 Senica Population Distance
E to Brezová pod Bradlom5,56713.2 Km (8.2 Mi) 18.2 Km (11.3 Mi)
ENE to Myjava13,14217.1 Km (10.6 Mi) 22.9 Km (14.2 Mi)
WNW to Gbely5,22318.3 Km (11.4 Mi) 24.5 Km (15.2 Mi)
SSE to 919 04 Smolenice3,28719.7 Km (12.3 Mi) 25.1 Km (15.6 Mi)
NW to Holíč11,41621.1 Km (13.1 Mi) 24.6 Km (15.3 Mi)

905 01 Senica to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from 905 01 Senica to major cities in Trnava Region.

From 905 01 Senica Population Distance
SE to Hlohovec23,93042.2 Km (26.2 Mi) 59.4 Km (36.9 Mi)
SSE to 924 01 Galanta16,36560.4 Km (37.5 Mi) 71.2 Km (44.3 Mi)
SSE to Dunajská Streda23,63978.5 Km (48.8 Mi) 102.3 Km (63.6 Mi)
905 01 Senica to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from 905 01 Senica to major cities in bordering Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.

From 905 01 Senica Population Distance
NW to Hodonín Czech Republic26,34526.3 Km (16.3 Mi) 30.3 Km (18.8 Mi)
WSW to Klosterneuburg Austria24,84386.8 Km (54 Mi) 127.3 Km (79.1 Mi)
S to Mosonmagyaróvár Hungary30,35990.2 Km (56 Mi) 130.4 Km (81 Mi)
NE to Cieszyn Poland35,586150.9 Km (93.8 Mi) 214.1 Km (133.1 Mi)