Distance from 85100 Potenza to Nearby Cities

The distance from 85100 Potenza to the nearest city 70024 Gravina in Puglia BA is 73.2 kilometers or 45.5 miles away. The nearest town 85010 Pignola PZ is 10.3 kilometers or 6.4 miles away.

85100 Potenza Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
85100 Potenza Distances
Nearby Location(s): 10
Nearest Location: 7.6 Km (4.7 Mi)

85100 Potenza to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between 85100 Potenza and nearby cities in Italy.

From 85100 Potenza Population Distance
ENE to 70024 Gravina in Puglia BA42,21055.3 Km (34.3 Mi) 73.2 Km (45.5 Mi)
W to Eboli SA26,18363.3 Km (39.3 Mi) 76.1 Km (47.3 Mi)
ENE to 70022 Altamura BA67,82166.3 Km (41.2 Mi) 83.9 Km (52.1 Mi)
E to 75100 Matera54,89167.5 Km (41.9 Mi) 102.3 Km (63.5 Mi)
NNE to 76012 Canosa di Puglia BT30,04668.3 Km (42.5 Mi) 103.9 Km (64.5 Mi)

85100 Potenza to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between 85100 Potenza and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Italy.

From 85100 Potenza Population Distance
SSW to 85010 Pignola PZ3,5997.5 Km (4.7 Mi) 10.3 Km (6.4 Mi)
ENE to 85010 Vaglio Basilicata PZ1,53410 Km (6.2 Mi) 18.8 Km (11.7 Mi)
ESE to 85010 Brindisi Montagna PZ66811.8 Km (7.3 Mi) 25.6 Km (15.9 Mi)
NW to 85021 Avigliano PZ5,77412.6 Km (7.8 Mi) 19.4 Km (12.1 Mi)
WSW to 85050 Tito PZ4,23712.6 Km (7.8 Mi) 18.9 Km (11.7 Mi)