Distance from 53100 Lappeenranta to Nearby Cities

The distance from 53100 Lappeenranta to the nearest city 55100 Imatra is 35.9 kilometers or 22.3 miles away. The nearest town 54920 Taipalsaari is 13.3 kilometers or 8.3 miles away.

53100 Lappeenranta is also 44.9 kilometers or 27.9 miles from Svetogorsk in Russia.

53100 Lappeenranta Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
53100 Lappeenranta Distances
Nearby Location(s): 11
Nearest Location: 12.4 Km (7.7 Mi)

53100 Lappeenranta to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between 53100 Lappeenranta and nearby cities in Finland.

From 53100 Lappeenranta Population Distance
ENE to 55100 Imatra29,61533.8 Km (21 Mi) 35.9 Km (22.3 Mi)
WSW to 45100 Karhula22,86774.9 Km (46.5 Mi) 80.8 Km (50.2 Mi)
SW to 49400 Hamina21,71276.4 Km (47.5 Mi) 87.2 Km (54.2 Mi)
WSW to 45100 Kouvola31,13382.9 Km (51.5 Mi) 86.4 Km (53.7 Mi)
WSW to 46910 Anjala16,77985.2 Km (52.9 Mi) 108.6 Km (67.5 Mi)

53100 Lappeenranta to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between 53100 Lappeenranta and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Finland.

From 53100 Lappeenranta Population Distance
NNW to 54920 Taipalsaari4,77812.5 Km (7.7 Mi) 13.3 Km (8.3 Mi)
ENE to 54100 Joutseno10,60318.5 Km (11.5 Mi) 20.6 Km (12.8 Mi)
W to 54710 Lemi3,03420.8 Km (12.9 Mi) 24.4 Km (15.2 Mi)
ESE to 54230 Nuijamaa1,19921.6 Km (13.4 Mi) 25.8 Km (16.1 Mi)
SSW to 54410 Ylämaa1,41530.1 Km (18.7 Mi) 34.9 Km (21.7 Mi)

53100 Lappeenranta to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from 53100 Lappeenranta to Russia.

From 53100 Lappeenranta Population Distance
E to Svetogorsk Russia15,73336.3 Km (22.5 Mi) 44.9 Km (27.9 Mi)