Distance from 2630 Ternitz to Nearby Cities

The distance from 2630 Ternitz to the nearest city Wiener Neustadt is 19.6 kilometers or 12.2 miles away. The nearest town Wimpassing im Schwarzatale is 3.3 kilometers or 2 miles away. 3 major cities are near 2630 Ternitz; Saint Pölten being the closest is 110.9 kilometers or 68.9 miles away.

2630 Ternitz is also 60.6 kilometers or 37.6 miles from Sopron in Hungary.

2630 Ternitz Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
2630 Ternitz Distances
Nearby Location(s): 17
Nearest Location: 1.6 Km (1 Mi)

2630 Ternitz to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between 2630 Ternitz and nearby cities in Austria.

From 2630 Ternitz Population Distance
NE to Wiener Neustadt38,48118.1 Km (11.2 Mi) 19.6 Km (12.2 Mi)
NNE to Baden bei Wien24,89335.4 Km (22 Mi) 47.6 Km (29.6 Mi)
NNE to Traiskirchen16,21239 Km (24.2 Mi) 50.2 Km (31.2 Mi)
NNE to Mödling20,71045.3 Km (28.1 Mi) 63.2 Km (39.3 Mi)
NE to Schwechat15,71158 Km (36 Mi) 78.7 Km (48.9 Mi)

2630 Ternitz to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between 2630 Ternitz and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Austria.

From 2630 Ternitz Population Distance
S to Wimpassing im Schwarzatale?1.6 Km (1 Mi) 3.3 Km (2 Mi)
ESE to 2620 Wartmannstetten?3.9 Km (2.4 Mi) 5.4 Km (3.4 Mi)
ENE to Neunkirchen11,3134 Km (2.5 Mi) 4.4 Km (2.8 Mi)
WSW to 2630 Buchbach?4 Km (2.5 Mi) 4.9 Km (3.1 Mi)
S to 2632 Altendorf?6.2 Km (3.8 Mi) 10.5 Km (6.5 Mi)

2630 Ternitz to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from 2630 Ternitz to major cities in Lower Austria.

From 2630 Ternitz Population Distance
NNW to Saint Pölten49,00161.9 Km (38.5 Mi) 110.9 Km (68.9 Mi)
NNE to Klosterneuburg24,84369.8 Km (43.4 Mi) 93.9 Km (58.4 Mi)
NNW to Krems an der Donau23,93283.8 Km (52 Mi) 138.9 Km (86.3 Mi)
2630 Ternitz to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from 2630 Ternitz to major cities in bordering Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia.

From 2630 Ternitz Population Distance
E to Sopron Hungary57,21041.5 Km (25.8 Mi) 60.6 Km (37.6 Mi)
ENE to Bratislava Slovakia423,73793.5 Km (58.1 Mi) 145.2 Km (90.2 Mi)
N to 669 02 Znojmo Czech Republic35,280127 Km (78.9 Mi) 167 Km (103.8 Mi)
SSW to Maribor Slovenia95,171132.1 Km (82.1 Mi) 197.2 Km (122.5 Mi)