Distance from 075 01 Trebišov to Nearby Cities

The distance from 075 01 Trebišov to the nearest city Michalovce is 25.6 kilometers or 15.9 miles away. The nearest town 078 01 Sečovce is 12.7 kilometers or 7.9 miles away. 2 major cities are near 075 01 Trebišov; 048 01 Rožňava being the closest is 114.4 kilometers or 71.1 miles away.

075 01 Trebišov is also 28.6 kilometers or 17.8 miles from Sátoraljaújhely in Hungary.

075 01 Trebišov Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
075 01 Trebišov Distances
Nearby Location(s): 15
Nearest Location: 10.1 Km (6.3 Mi)

075 01 Trebišov to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between 075 01 Trebišov and nearby cities in Slovakia.

From 075 01 Trebišov Population Distance
NE to Michalovce40,36020.7 Km (12.9 Mi) 25.6 Km (15.9 Mi)
N to Vranov nad Topľou23,24629.5 Km (18.3 Mi) 31.3 Km (19.4 Mi)
WNW to Košice236,56335.6 Km (22.1 Mi) 49.5 Km (30.8 Mi)
NNE to 066 01 Humenné35,36737.3 Km (23.2 Mi) 50.3 Km (31.3 Mi)
NE to 069 01 Snina22,22151.4 Km (31.9 Mi) 70.2 Km (43.6 Mi)

075 01 Trebišov to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between 075 01 Trebišov and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Slovakia.

From 075 01 Trebišov Population Distance
NNW to 078 01 Sečovce7,81910.1 Km (6.3 Mi) 12.7 Km (7.9 Mi)
NE to Vinné1,60827.4 Km (17 Mi) 33.4 Km (20.8 Mi)
NNE to Strážske4,47429.3 Km (18.2 Mi) 38.8 Km (24.1 Mi)
NNE to 067 41 Chlmec8,03133.4 Km (20.8 Mi) 56.1 Km (34.8 Mi)
SE to 076 43 Čierna nad Tisou4,64535.6 Km (22.1 Mi) 68.6 Km (42.6 Mi)

075 01 Trebišov to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from 075 01 Trebišov to major cities in Košice Region.

From 075 01 Trebišov Population Distance
W to 048 01 Rožňava19,26187.7 Km (54.5 Mi) 114.4 Km (71.1 Mi)
WNW to Spišská Nová Ves39,19591.6 Km (56.9 Mi) 138.3 Km (85.9 Mi)
075 01 Trebišov to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from 075 01 Trebišov to major cities in bordering Hungary, Poland and Ukraine.

From 075 01 Trebišov Population Distance
S to Sátoraljaújhely Hungary18,05225.7 Km (16 Mi) 28.6 Km (17.8 Mi)
E to Uzhhorod Ukraine117,87841.8 Km (25.9 Mi) 63.1 Km (39.2 Mi)
NNE to Sanok Poland39,684109.5 Km (68 Mi) 162.7 Km (101.1 Mi)